A Companion to Asian American Studies


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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9781405137096
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 400 S., 1.89 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2008
Format: PDF
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Adobe DRM


A Companion to Asian American Studies is comprised of 20 previously published essays that have played an important historical role in the conceptualization of Asian American studies as a field.Essays are drawn from international publications, from the 1970s to the presentIncludes coverage of psychology, history, literature, feminism, sexuality, identity politics, cyberspace, pop culture, queerness, hybridity, and diasporic consciousnessFeatures a useful introduction by the editor reviewing the selections, and outlining future possibilities for the fieldCan be used alongsideAsian American Studies After Critical Mass, edited by Kent A. Ono, for a complete reference to Asian American Studies.


Kent A. Ono is Professor of Asian American Studies and Communications, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, where he is also Director of the Asian American Studies Program. He is co-author, with John Sloop, ofShifting Borders (2002), and co-editor ofEnterprise Zones(1996).


Preface viii

Acknowledgments x

Retracing an Intellectual Course in Asian American Studies 1Kent A. Ono

Part I Defining Conversations in Asian American StudiesPsychology

1 Chinese-American Personality and Mental Health 17Stanley Sue and Derald W. Sue

2 The Ghetto of the Mind: Notes on the Historical Psychology of Chinese America 35Ben R. Tong

3 Chinese-American Personality and Mental Health: A Reply to Tongs Criticisms 73Stanley Sue and Derald W. Sue


4 A Critique of Strangers from a Different Shore 83L. Ling-chi Wang

5 Strangers from a Different Shore as History and Historiography 91Sucheng Chan

6 A Critique of Strangers from a Different Shore 108Elaine H. Kim

7 A Response to Ling-chi Wang, Elaine Kim, and Sucheng Chan 117Ronald Takaki

Literature and Feminism

8 Come All Ye Asian American Writers of the Real and the Fake (excerpt) 133Frank Chin

9 The Woman Warrior versus The Chinaman Pacific: Must a Chinese American Critic Choose between Feminism and Heroism? 157King-Kok Cheung

Part II Influential Essays in Asian American Studies

10 Split Household, Small Producer and Dual Wage Earner: An Analysis of Chinese-American Family Strategies 177Evelyn Nakano Glenn

11 Defining Asian American Realities through Literature 196Elaine H. Kim

12 Asian Americans as the Model Minority: An Analysis of the Popular Press Image in the 1960s and 1980s 215Keith Osajima

13 Mestiza Girlhood: Interracial Families in Chicagos Filipino American Community since 1925 226Barbara M. Posadas

14 Looking for My Penis: The Eroticized Asian in Gay Video Porn 235Richard Fung

15 Heterogeneity, Hybridity, Multiplicity: Marking Asian American Differences 254Lisa Lowe

16 Beyond Identity Politics: The Predicament of the Asian American Writer in Late Capitalism 276E. San Juan, Jr.

17 Filipinos in the United States and Their Literature of Exile 296Oscar V. Campomanes

18 Los Angeles, Asians, and Perverse Ventriloquisms: On the Functions of Asian America in the Recent American Imaginary 319David Palumbo-Liu

19 Colonial Oppression, Labour Importation, and Group Formation: Filipinos in the United States 332Yen Le Espiritu

20 Out Here and Over There: Queerness and Diaspora in Asian American Studies 350David L. Eng

Index 370

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